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How It Works

Record Your Video Greetings
Record multiple video greetings. You can record up to 10 video greetings and choose the best video as per your choice to showcase instantly.

Browse Through Thousands of Video Profiles
There are thousands of video profiles to explore, based on the Tags, Category or people you prefer to connect.

Connect live Instantly
“Know Then Answer” It’s all real people, live connections & no barriers. No more robocalls, spam or unwanted contact requests.
Main Features

Record Personal greetings
Choose how to present yourself to the dating community and record your personal greeting that will be shown to callers.

Preview Incoming Video Calls
See what incoming call is about with our state-of-the-art video message that lets you preview before you connect. Simply open MobiLine and start connecting with anyone in seconds.

You can now connect to new people from anywhere in the world. Whether you are looking for a casual conversation or looking for that special someone.

Live Connections
MobiLine is all about Live People and Live Connections. Making new friends for dating, and connecting with them, has never been more fun.

Secured Calls
All MobiLine calls are secured and end to end encrypted through a secured network channel.

Share with Friends
Share your best videos on FB, Twitter, WhatsApp, and more.

Either chat one on one or create dating groups to be always connected on MobiLine App.

No Spam Calls
Connect with real, genuine users from around the world choose to connect with people in your area or pick any location around the world. Connect with anyone & anywhere.

Meeting New Interesting People
Near You With MobiLine
MobiLine offers unique experiences of dating by literally letting you find the people who are around you. MobiLine gets access to your location so that, whenever you cross paths with another MobiLine member, their profile will show up on your timeline.
Download the MobiLine App Now.
Find Your Date
Record your greetings, upload your photos and start connecting with singles in real time. MobiLine provides HD video calling experience by its amazing search quality features including unique hashtags, finding people and places for your lovely video greetings.